Title A Study on the Changes in Spatial Composition of University Library before and after Remodeling
Authors Ju Jung-Jun ; Kim Chi-Hwan ; Jeong Eui-Yong
Page pp.107-116
ISSN 12269093
Keywords University Library ; Spatial Performance ; Spatial Composition ; Remodeling
Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand plans and improved states about spatial composition and area variation in interior spaces before and after remodeling of university library and to suggest effective plan through problem analysis of improved details in existing interior spaces and evaluation of problems and alternatives about improved details when library remodeling and new construction is performed. Therefore, when remodeling of university library is planed, effective space planning has to be set up to fulfill interior spatial function thoroughly according to information environment considering the relationship between its users and operators, the programming spatial performance and the elements of spatial composition such as hierarchy, interrelationship and simple maintenance