Title Making a Minimum Guideline of Resources according to the Conditions of the Architectural Education Accreditation
Authors Hwang Jung-Hyun ; Kim Jin-Kyoon
Page pp.153-160
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Architectural Education System ; Resources for Education ; Minimum-guideline ; Accreditation
Abstract The purpose of this study is to make the minimum-guideline of resources for the professional education system of the architectural design field at the university and for the preparation of the architectural accreditation by KAAB. The guideline of resources have been determined by strategic minds, which were connected with between the academic plans and the realistic conditions of the educational program. Accreditation Board systems of the western world and korea have attached importance to the diversity and creativity relatively to the regimental education methodologies, As a consequence of the research, there are the several proposals for the universities and programs; ① It has not been met the requirements of the number of faculties and tutors by the law of the Education Ministry. ② It is necessary to acquire the additional facilities, for instance, design studio, critic room, and the rooms for accrediting board. ③ the program should ask mutual cooperation for the university to solve the problems concerned with the space and the finance. and prepare for a long-range master plan to reach the educational objectives of the program.