Title A Characteristic of Territorial Expression in Dutch Contemporary Housing
Authors Kwack Dong-Wha ; Lee Jeong-Mi
Page pp.161-171
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Functions and Elements of Territory ; Territorial Expression ; In-between Territory ; Dutch Contemporary Housing
Abstract The territory is an important human need that has to be respected in housing design. The subject of territory has been reappraised in Dutch contemporary architecture after the appearance of Dutch structuralism architecture. This paper is intended as an investigation of the method of architectural design based on territory. For the purpose, we grasped the characteristics of the territorial expression in Dutch contemporary housing, after extracting the elements of territorial expression and reviewing territorial concepts and functions in architecture. The characteristics of the territorial expression in Dutch contemporary housing are summarized as the following, the artistic territorial markers and the settings affording the need for the territorial expression, the space around the door as a buffer territory, the openness and emphasis of stair room making different territories harmonized, the balcony form affording the need for inhabitant`s display, the courtyard affording the forming of the various territories, the living street as a semi-private or a semi-public territory. From the characteristics, we can see that the Dutch contemporary housing expresses territory based on Dutch social and cultural characteristics.