Title The Assessment for the View from Apartment Units by means of Preference Analysis
Authors Moon Ji-Won ; Ha Jae-Myung
Page pp.233-244
ISSN 12269093
Keywords View Target ; View Point ; View Location ; Apartment Unit ; Qualitative Assessment Scale
Abstract The view, one of the critical elements constituting the visual quality of the living environment, has recently been having significant impact on the pricing of apartment units. Up until now, however, the lack of tools available to objectively assess the value of the view has led to the inability to do so in any adequate manner. The pricing for the view of a given housing unit is currently centered around floor differences rather than the attributes of the view itself, which is, conceivably, very limiting in light of the variety of views. Accordingly, this study is intended to review the results obtained from the analysis in previous studies of the preference for the landscape elements seen from apartment units according to landscape elements and their locations and analyze the characteristics of the preference according to the locations of view points, which are the current criteria for the evaluation of the view, ultimately to suggest qualitative assessment scale for the view from apartment units based on the view preference characteristics identified in previous studies and this one. To this end, a total of fifty one test cases, according to view point locations, were sampled based on the picture data collected in previous studies, and preference assessment was conducted on these cases to identify preference characteristics. The findings from previous studies were then incorporated to finally derive qualitative assessment scale for the view seen from apartment units.