Title Engineering Properties of the Particle Classifying Cement and the Mortar Using the Particle Classifying Cement
Authors Han Cheon-Goo ; Han Min-Cheol ; Kim Jong-Back
Page pp.111-118
ISSN 12269107
Keywords High Early Strength Cement ; Low Heat Cement ; Blaine ; Flow ; Heat of Hydration ; Compressive Strength
Abstract This study presents the experimental results of physical properties of the cement manufactured by the particle size screening method and its applicability to the mortar. For the test result of physical properties by the size screening method, as an overall trend, the specimens using cement having higher blaine decreased the fluidity and air content of fresh concrete and the specimens using lower blaine cement slightly increased the values. In addition, setting time of fresh concrete was accelerated in the mortar using higher blaine of cement among other specimens. Importantly, the use of high blaine cement indicated the highest values in the compressive and flexible strength so that it maybe used as a alternative material for early strength cement. But in the side of the cost effectiveness and demand in field construction, the best way for securing the early strength is the combination of ordinary Portland cement and high blaine cement considering the mixture proportion. To sum up, it is clear that although the individual use of high and low blaine cement alone can be alternative of early strength and low heat cement, it is much more effective to use the combination of the OPC+high blaine cement and OPC+low blaine cement respectively.