Title A Study on the Estimate Cost Model for Concrete Structural Frame Work in the High-Rise Residential-Commercial Complex Building
Authors Kim Seok-Hoi ; Im Chil-Soon
Page pp.151-159
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Residential-Commercial Complex ; Framework ; Approximate Quantity ; Cost Model
Abstract In recent years, many complex high-rise buildings are under construction for the effective use of land. But the engineers could not find proper data of the standard for approximate quantity of frame work of complex high-rise building due to the less experience and relatively short history of complex high-rise building. This study is to make clear of the standard for quantity of framework by using mean value. For this study, the historical data 22 buildings 3,003 departments constructed from 2003 to 2006 is collected. Histroical data as the design quantity of reinforcing bar, form, and concrete, suggests the standard of approximate quantity as the arithmetical average for total area of complex high-rise building.