Title A Study on Developing an Evaluation Model for CM Service Quality
Authors Jung Won-Min ; Kim Han-Soo
Page pp.169-176
ISSN 12269107
Keywords CM Service ; CM Service Evaluation ; SERVPERF ; Satisfaction of CM Clients
Abstract The CM(Construction Management) market has been growing steadily since 2000, but there are a lot of obstructing factors. Recently, many questions have been raised over the level of construction managers’ technique, the appropriateness and efficiency of CM, and the its performance. Through the interview of CM companies’ top management, it figured out that top 5 CM companies in domestic are not evaluating CM service quality effectively. They are evaluating customers’ satisfaction rate, which is very partial. In this respect, evaluating CM service quality is a very important issue not only to acquire a better position in unlimited competence markets but also to survive. The objective of this study is to present a service quality evaluating model which can be adopted to CM companies. This study contributes not only to presenting an evaluating model of CM service quality, but also to understanding clients’ requirements.