Title A Study on the Establishment Process of Okayama Migrant Fishing Village and Modification of House in Tongyoung
Authors Kim Jun ; Kenji Onomichi ; Yoo Jae-Woo
Page pp.151-158
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Tongyoung ; Okayama ; Migrant Fishing Village ; Site-Plan ; Nagaya ; Establishment Process ; Modification
Abstract This paper aims to clarify the establishment process and housing spatial form of Japanese migrant fishing village in the area Donam-dong, Tongyoung during the colonial period of Korea. Okayama migrant fishing village was established in order to attain fishing ground magnification with support of national policy. The Establishment was mainly accomplished during 1907-1911. the After 1945 Liberation of Korea, it was transfigured by a returnee and Korean fishermen. The units of this village is Nagaya type. The structure of Nagaya becomes rectangle shape containable 4-7 units. Unit is composed of tatami rooms and corridor.