Title A Prediction on the Movement Frequency in a Spatial Structure Using the Space Syntax : through Considering the Route Characteristics
Authors Lee Sang-Hyun ; Li Guang-Zhe
Page pp.211-218
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Space Syntax ; Graph Theory ; Spatial Structure ; Urban Structure ; Urban Planning
Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyze limitations of Space Syntax methodology and the reasons, and furthermore, to suggest several ways to enhance significance of Space Syntax methodology. The research puts its focus on the method to retrieve integration proposed by Space Syntax methodology. This technique has an assumption that each node has the same movement density and inter-nodal trip is directed towards a path of the minimum number of nodes. This research suggests that Space Syntax methodology set weights for each node and consider some methods to minimize movement cost and maximize movement effect - e.g., selection of shortest path, minimized direction changes and ensured visibility in order to minimize movement cost; selection of adequate path history and ensured visibility in a bid to maximize movement effect. An enhanced Space Syntax is projected to help make urban structure analysis more effective and to be more effectively leveraged into urban planning and building design.