Title A Comparison Analysis of the Position of Low Emissivity Coating in Low-E Glazing Considering Indoor Temperature Change and Energy Performance
Authors Jung Suk-Hwan ; Kim Sung-Woo ; Park Sang-Hyun ; Lee Jong-Chan ; Lim Jung-Hee ; Kim Byung-Seon
Page pp.255-262
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-Rise Residential Buildings ; Low-E Glass ; Thermal Environment ; Energy Simulation
Abstract In the high oil prices age, intensification of energy efficiency promotion in the building sector is required. Windows are dominating large percentage whole building loads and are regarding as the primary target of energy efficiency. The purpose of this study is to improve energy efficiency of windows in high-rise residential buildings through the evaluation of their indoor temperature change & heating and cooling energy consumption. Analysis of Indoor temperature change and building energy consumption was performed through the use of simulation programs EnergyPlus and Window. The process of this study is as follows. First, In each case, estimated indoor temperature change, window heat gain and window heat loss. Then, the annual heating and cooling energy consumption according to the different glazing types are compared one another. The results show that the application of Low-E coating applying in the outside glazing can substantially increase the energy performance.