Title A Study on the Improvement of Indoor Air Quality by Plants in Balcony
Authors Lee Kyu-In ; Lee Jae-Hak ; Kwon Min-Jae
Page pp.263-271
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Indoor Air Quality ; Plant ; Dry Season ; Formaldehyde ; Humidity
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze improvement effect of indoor air quality by plants in balcony in the dry season, focused on the control of temperature and humidity, and reduction of Formaldehyde. For this purpose, two experiment units consisted of two rooms(room A & B) with balcony(balcony A & B), and indoor garden in the balcony A were set up. Experiments were performed from 6th March 06 to 4th May 06, ten times during five days continuously without entrance. The results were recorded by the automatic measurement equipment. According to the data, Formaldehyde density of room A decreased 0.05~0.15ppm compared to room B, and humidity in room A was also more constant and higher than room B. Therefore, it seemed that indoor air quality in the room having indoor garden was maintained more safe from Formaldehyde and more comfortable during the dry season than the room not having indoor garden.