Title Prediction of Deteriorating Hysteresis Behavior of Concrete filled Square Steel Tube Columns under Cyclic Bending and Constant Axial Force
Authors Chung Kyung-Soo ; Chung Jin-An ; Choi Sung-Mo
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Concrete-filled Steel Tube ; Constant Axial Force ; Hysteresis Behavior ; Deteriorating Range ; Nonlinear Fiber Element
Abstract The cyclic load-deformation relationships of columns in the post-peak region need to be investigated in the prevention of collapse of the buildings under earthquake excitation. This paper provides an efficient method of prediction of the pre- and post-peak hysteretic behavior of concrete-filled square steel tube columns subjected to a combination of constant axial load and cyclic lateral load. For this purpose, the simplified nonlinear fiber element method is used to obtain the uni-axial stress and strain relationship of materials in terms of the composite action between the steel tube and the concrete. The accuracy of the proposed computational technique is verified by comparing the results from this technique with existing experimental results, which are briefly reviewed in this paper.