Title Damage Detection of Damaged Beam by Static Displacement Curvature
Authors Bae Chung-Yeol ; Eun Hee-Chang ; Lee Min-Su ; Gwak No-Hyeon
Page pp.59-66
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Damage Detection ; Static Displacement Curvature ; Constraints ; Stiffness ; Load-carrying Capacity
Abstract Structural damage detection technique indicates the problem of how to locate and detect damage that occurred in a structure by using the observed changes of its dynamic and static characteristics. This study provides an analytical algorithm for damage detection based on measured deflection data. The measured deflection data of the damaged beam can be considered as a kind of constraints to restrict the deflected shape. Utilizing the constraints and minimizing the change of the displacement vector at undamaged and damaged states, the deflected shape of the damaged beam is estimated. And introducing the displacement curvature calculated based on the estimated displacement data, this study detects the damage location. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed method are illustrated through the comparison with the experimental results of a simple cantilever beam test. It is concluded that the proposed method can properly detect the damage of the beam under the measurement of exact deflections at measuring points.