Title Study on Rheological Properties of Suspension by Shear Box Test
Authors Lee Gun-Cheol
Page pp.149-156
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Rheology ; Suspension ; Shear Box Test ; Shear Strain Dependent Property ; Yield Value ; Plastic Viscosity
Abstract Bingham's model is generally used as a rheological model for fresh concrete. However, Bingham's model for homogeneous material is not always adequate to express the behavior of composite material such as fresh concrete. This study investigates the rheological properties, considering the integration of concrete components, for evaluating the concise concrete condition in fresh state. It is on the assumption that the state of fresh concrete is a high condensed suspension. In this paper, in order to estimate the rheological properties of suspension, this test first invented the shear box apparatus to directly measure the shear stress, shear strain and shear strain rate, and then found out the rheological constant. It also evaluated the accuracy of the shear box apparatus after comparing the experimental results of the rotation viscometer. According to the test results, the shear stress increased along with the incline of the shear strain, due to the dilatancy of solid components by shear deformation, in the rheological constant of the suspension. This tendency was even more significant as the density of the suspension increased. It is also clear that the rotation viscometer was occasionally unable to measure the rheological constant of the suspension.