Title A Study on Greenway Types for Integrative Planning of Pedestrian-Friendly Space in Urban Area
Authors Jung Hye-Jin ; Choi Ji-Young ; Yang Suk-Woo
Page pp.121-130
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Pedestrian-Friendly Space ; Urban Greenway ; Greenway Types ; Linear Facilities ; Greenway Master Plan ; Integrative Planning
Abstract The object of this research is to know original meanings of greenway planning which was recently introduced to Korea, and to introduce foreign greenway planning cases which have been evolved into integrative planning term. Especially, by analyzing cases of foreign greenway planning, we deduced several types of greenway which could be adoptable to us and help us planning and designing greenway network in Korea. The result of this research is greenway cases of New York, Boston, and Singapore have more multiple objectives than ones in korea which have only single objective such as ecological corridors or bike ways. In the beginning, they planed greenway as a passive term such as parks and open spaces, ecological corridors and bike ways. but they understood that greenway became more valuable when greenway was planned as a part of one integrative network. Therefore greenway is being planed as a part of integrative network which includes all linear facilities in city. And also, from studying foreign theories about greenway, we can set up the standards of classification which are its objective and function, existing land use, and planning form. and According to mutual relation of these standards, we finally deduce 13 types of greenway.