Title A Comparison Study of Construction Waste Units on Residential Buildings Before and After Dismantling
Authors Jeong Eung-Hyeock ; Son Byeong-Hun ; Hong Won-Hwa ; Jung Jong-Suk
Page pp.167-176
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Construction Waste ; Unit ; Recycling ; Guide Line ; Classification
Abstract It is increased rapidly that a quantity of construction wastes is 129,572 ton/day in 2005, from 78,777ton/day in 2000. The construction wastes as concretes, asphalt concretes, woods, metals have been increased due to demolishing the antiquated apartments and expanding social facilities. Therefore, construction wastes were expected to be increased steadily. To build new residential buildings including apartments, the existing buildings should be demolished because of the insufficient residential area. Therefore, we need reducing construction wastes and recycling construction waste such as concretes, metals, woods but there have been handled inappropriately. Therefore, this study makes construction waste units for proper processing. The construction wastes of residential buildings in the present study show that 88-92% of used concrete will be reused and 2-3% of used steel will be reused as construction materials.