Title A Study on the Design of Indoor Common Space in the Multiple Dwelling Housing
Authors Park Jung-Eun ; Lee Hyo-Won
Page pp.173-180
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Multiple Dwelling Housing ; Indoor Common Space ; Environmentally Symbiotic Housing
Abstract This work is dealing with indoor common space in the multiple dwelling housing. The common space is important for the residents living in the community and for the interaction between the neighbourhoods in the communal life and moreover for the sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to classify the indoor common space according to its characteristics and roles, and to analyze the space design through the case study. For this study, environmentally symbiotic housing in Japan were selected such as Hukasawa environmentally symbiotic housing, Kawachinagano Kido environmentally symbiotic housing, Next21, and U-court, and they were intensively surveyed, for their indoor common space. Indoor common space was categorized into three groups by their location and usage.1)outward space from the front-door of unit house, 2)passageway connecting the unit house, 3)space around the entrance of unit building. Each area can be sub-categorized by the level of openness of walls and by compositions of section.