Title A Study on the Preferences of Residents about Remodeling Elements of the Space in the Apartment
Authors Son Hye-Ran ; Yoon Jae-Yoong ; Seo Ji-Eun
Page pp.103-111
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Remodeling ; Resident's Preferences ; Spatial Form ; Spatial Composition Element
Abstract The purpose of this study is to build up data from survey and making an analysis of th preferences of apartments residents about remodeling.First when they want to expand, downsize, add of construct, they wanted to after the height of floor which is a fixed component, or use movable furniture. In order to remove rooms, they want to get rid of the walls, which are fixed components of furniture. Second when it comes to the components in the space, adding or the altering illumination and excluding furniture are preferred. Lastly, in terms of the structure of the family there are significant differences according to the number of family members and years they live together. It suggests that this could be used as the basic materials for making plans on the preferences of residents about remodeling.