Title Residential Quarter Organization and Housing Spatial Form of Korean Residence Village in Japan
Authors Park Chung-Shin ; Cho Sung-Min ; Kim Tai-Young
Page pp.197-204
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Korean Rresidence Village in Japan ; Utoro ; Residential Quarter Organization ; Housing Spatial Form
Abstract This paper aims to clarify the residential quarter organization and housing spatial form of Korean residence Village in Japan during the colonial period of Korea in Utoro, Kyoto. The road in a block where the area in Utoro pierces through east and west, and the waterway located in the circumference of a block serve as Residential Quarter Organization and foundations of the form. The Utoro open space is constituted by the form with a square of about 30x30m centering on a block, and is used as residents' community place. When a focus is put on a housing type and a residence is analyzed, the entrance hall is used as a main entrance in many cases, and the area of living room is large. As for the position of the living room, for south is common, and this is a style of the tradition residence of korea.