Title Case Study for Revitalization of Abanoned Mine as Industrial/Technological Cultural Properties in Germany
Authors Kim Hong-Gi
Page pp.205-213
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Industrial Heritage ; Industrial/Technological Cultural Properties Revitalization ; Abandoned Mine ; Revitalization Plan for Cokes Manufacture Plant and Zollverein Mine
Abstract In the Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, there are approximately 3,500 industrial buildings under the cultural asset protection and management not only in the Ruhr-region but also state-wide. Among these, this case study focuses on Zollverein Mine and Cokes Manufacture Plant, a large-scale Revitalization project to rehabilitate the old industrial complexes and facility buildings that have been in ruins since 1986 that also has been designated as UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage at the Helsinki Assembly on December 14, 2001. Purpose of this study is to analyze main project plans of each facility in Cokes Manufacture Plant and Zollverein Mine and to bring out the main features of the plans, so that they can be utilized to find suggestions for Industrial/Technological Cultural Properties Revitalization in Korea