Title A Study on the Planning of the Urban Blocks and Buildings based on the Urban-Architecture System
Authors Kim Jin-Wook ; Lee Jung-Hyung ; Park Sun-Young
Page pp.225-235
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban-Architecture System ; Urban Street ; Urban Block ; Urban Design
Abstract This research delves into the issue of the incoherence of the urban structure and its architecture. The problem is resulted by the emotional decision. The solution of this problem lies in the logical process and it would be most logically appropriate to the given space under consideration. This solution requires a certain level of understanding and concurrence between the urban planner and its architects in discussing the Urban-Architecture System. the main purpose is minimizing the gap by re-examination of city planning in terms of urban street and formal relation. According to the results of analysis on the block of streets of existing urban districts, the primary importance in the architecture planning process for the renewal of existing urban districts is to interpret the structure of urban space, and the characteristics of common spaces which determine the characteristics of districts.