Title An Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Internal Pressure on Pipeline in High Pressure Pumping for High-rise Building
Authors Kim Sang-Heon ; Ji Suk-Won ; Seo Chee-Ho
Page pp.149-156
ISSN 12269107
Keywords High-rise Building ; Concrete Pumping ; Internal Pressure of Pipeline ; Output Pressure of Pump
Abstract This study is purposed on offering fundamental data of internal pressure on pipeline to explain the principle of concrete quality changes when concrete is pumped. For this study it measured slump flow of concrete, output pressure of pump and variable pressure of internal pipeline when pumped concrete in high-rise building construction site. The results are followed :For variation of internal pressure on pipeline, maximum pressure, constant velocity pressure and differential constant velocity pressure ground and high-place are increased as output pressures in pump are rising. As a slump flow of fresh concrete is increasing, pipe pressure is decreased and differential pressure is lowered.After analyzing correlation between output pressure of pump and internal pressure of pipeline, it is known that peak pressure and constant velocity pressure of pipeline is very related in output pressure of pump. And the time of stroke is shortened with increasing output pressure of pump.