Title A Study on the Environmental Review for Environment-friendly Residential Land Development Project
Authors Park Hyun-Su ; Jung In-Su ; Lee Chan-Sik
Page pp.157-164
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Environment-friendly ; Residential Land Development Project ; Environmental Review
Abstract Although land development projects are a business necessary to establish enhanced life style and to secure our living environments, their development have a significant influence in terms of damaging the ecosystem, creating noise/vibration, water pollution, and obstruction of natural scenery. There is a need to induce environment-friendly development by pre-considering environment factors throughout the process of land development projects from planning and design to construction and maintenance.As establishing and proceeding with land development projects, this paper breaks them down into land selection stage, basic planning and execution designing stage, construction stage, and maintenance stage to propose review categories that take into consideration the environment. We defined construction stage based on the environmental evaluation period of land development projects and derived environmental review measures by business development phases based on studies and surveys. Environmental review factors were derived by investigating/analyzing environment-related policies and regulations, prior environmental review systems, and the Korea Environment Institute’s environmental impact assessment. We proposed environmental review categories in sectors such as atmosphere, water, soil, noise/vibration and waste based on investigation and analysis on review factors derived for land selection stage, basic planning and execution designing stage, construction stage, and maintenance stage. The review categories proposed in this paper are expected to support decision makers in the land selection stage, architects in basic planning and execution designing stage, and land development managers in the construction and maintenance stage in order for them to implement a sustainable development in terms of environment. Also, there will need to be further thorough researches that objectively examine review categories of land development projects by comparing and contrasting with other cases.