Title Characteristics of Marketing Strategies and Methods in CM Companies
Authors Song Yeon-Joo ; Park Ji-Chul ; Kim Han-Soo
Page pp.165-172
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Service Marketing ; CM Business ; Marketing Strategies ; Service Life Cycle ; Service Marketing Mix Theory
Abstract Even though domestic CM market has expanded in size continually since 2000, concerns of obstacles for vitalizing CM market were presented. However, according to many reports predicting a future CM industry, they show very positive signs. In this situation, it needs to examine characteristics of CM market and to adopt marketing strategies as appropriately. As a result of analysis on papers about construction marketing, most of them are limited to brand, Customer Relationship Management(CRM) and Customized Marketing about apartments. This kind of result shows that studies about CM marketing are lacking. The objective of this study is to characterize marketing strategies and methods in CM companies based on the Service Marketing Mix theory. In addition, this study suggests lessons learned and implications for effective marketing strategies in CM companies.