Title Estimating the Value of Eco-Friendly Factors within an Apartment Housing Price
Authors Ko Hyun ; Cho Gun-Hee ; Lee Youn-Sun ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.173-180
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Apartment Housing Price ; Eco-Friendly Factors ; Hedonic Price Model
Abstract Resent, interest in eco-friendly building and in well-being of residents is socially increasing. The purpose of this study was to estimate the value of eco-friendly factors within an apartment housing prices focused on the new town ‘Pyong-chon'. The process classifies items of eco-friendly factors through certification system and preceded studies of eco-friendly building. And the following extracted priority ranking of important eco-friendly factors impacting on apartment housing prices through a interview and question research, analyzed influence of eco-friendly factors through hedonic price model and regression of SPSS 12.0. Findings of this study can provide valuable information for a criterion of decision making to consumer and a marketing strategy of housing construction company.