Title An Analysis on the Characteristics of Shop Facade in the Commercialized Residential Area
Authors Park Sang-Hyun ; Woo Shin-Koo
Page pp.99-108
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Facade ; Facade Type ; Facade Element ; Commercialization
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of shop facade in the commercialized residential area in the "Mannam Gil Block". The "Mannam Gil Block" in Jangjeon-Dong, Busan is located in between Pusan National University and a subway station. This block was originally developed as a typical residential area consisted of detached houses from late 1960s to 1980s. Due to the growth of Pusan National University and the opening of subway, this area has been commercialized rapidly from 1990s up to now. According to the original building type, the shops in this area have diverse types of facades. To find out the characteristics of facade, this study investigated various features of the area such as road and building type, shop front, signboard, texture type.