Title Progressive Collapse Analysis of Steel Moment FramesConsidering Catenary Action
Authors Kim Jin-Koo ; An Da-Woon
Page pp.55-62
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Progressive Collapse ; Steel Moment Frames ; Catenary Action ; Nonlinear Analysis
Abstract This study investigated the effect of catenary action on the progressive collapse potential of steel moment framed structures. Nonlinear static and dynamic analyses of 3 and 6-story model structures with and without bracing were carried out following the alternate path method recommended by the GSA 2003. According to the nonlinear static pushdown analysis results, the contribution of catenary action and the progressive collapse potential of structures increased as the number of story and the number of bay increased. The effect of catenary action increased significantly in braced frames, in which the movement of beam-column joints were fully restrained. The nonlinear dynamic analyses showed that the maximum deflection caused by sudden removal of a column decreased when the catenary action was taken into account.