Title A Study on the Public Area Ratio of Residential Units in Nursing Homes
Authors Kwon Soon-Jung ; Han Jung-Han
Page pp.23-30
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Nursing Home ; Residential Unit ; Public Area Ratio
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out factors influencing public area ratio of residential units in elderly care facilities. The residential unit is very important in nursing homes because the residents in nursing homes spend most of their lives in this area. Moreover the proportion of its area to the whole nursing home area is about 70%, therefore the residential unit has a great effect on the building shape of nursing homes. Public area in residential units is also major part of residential unit and take the place of outdoor space for many elderly persons who cannot experience it easily. So, It is necessary to design it carefully in the point of space quality and the area. Considering these aspects, the public area ratio of residential units in nursing homes and the factors influencing the ratio of them have been proposed in this paper. 55 residential unit plans have been analysed statistically for this study. This will help the planner and designer make nursing home plans more efficiently.