Title A Study on the Efficiency in Unit Plans of the High-rise Mixed-use Housing in Daegu Area
Authors Roh Seong-Sik ; Park Sang-Min ; Kwon Jong-Wook
Page pp.43-52
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-rise Mixed-use Housing ; Unit Plan ; Efficiency
Abstract The efficiency in unit plan of high-rise mixed-use housing directly effects on residents' living but is much limited by external causes. This research attempted to propose a possible direction to increase efficiency in unit plan of high-rise mixed-use housing. Among the many aspects of efficiency in unit plan, private usage area ratio, passage area ratio, and service area ratio in a quantitative aspect, and openness, territoriality, and flexibility in a qualitative aspect, are examined. Results of this research are as follow; (1) The criteria for an efficient unit plan can be set as it is higher than 76.40% for private usage area ratio, lower than 19.78% for passage area ratio, and higher than 46.82% for service area ratio in terms of area-related efficiency while it is higher than 0.76 for openness, 1.41 for territoriality, and 0.84 for flexibility in terms of habitability-related efficiency.(2) Considering the determining factors on unit plan of high-rise mixed-use housing, the condition of a unit plan that is proper both for area-related and habitability-related efficiency is a parallel type building arrangement, tower building type, center core type, 3 units combination, and a rectangular unit shape.(3) Area-related efficiency and habitability-related efficiency do not have a consistent mutual relationship. So a criteria for efficiency need to be sincerely selected on the basis of the specific purpose and circumstance of high-rise mixed-use housing.