Title A Study on the Color Research Trend related to the Elderly Facilities in Korea
Authors Ryu Sook-Hee ; Lee Sang-Ho
Page pp.149-156
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Color ; Elderly ; Elderly Facility ; Analysis of the Studies ; Research Trend
Abstract Korea society is changing into the aged society rapidly and the issue of the environment for the elderly became more important than ever before. The purposes of this study are to investigate the studies on color related to the elderly facilities in Korea and to analyse them systematically. For this study, the studies on color related to the elderly, published since 1990s by the Architectural Institute of Korea, the Korean Institute of Interior Design, the Korean Housing Association, and the Korean Color Research Institute, were investigated. And the search functions of the Korean National Assembly Library were used when selecting master's theses. Then, the search keyword used was 'elderly' & 'color,' and a total of 218 studied were searched. Among them, we selected 20 studies to analyse. The results of this study show the scope of researches on color related to the elderly or the elderly facilities conducted in Korea, as well as the contents and methods of them. By integrating the results of the selected studies, a direction for future research on the color planning for the elderly was suggested.