Title A Study on the Change Process of Unit Plan in Multi Complex Housing
Authors Kim Young-Ha ; Cho Sung-Hak
Page pp.253-260
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Unit Plan ; Change Process ; Multi Complex Housing ; Diachronic Inquiry
Abstract We have been constructed a residential environment without consideration of planning since 1962 Mapo APT to solve a problem deficiency of housing and urbanization as economic development. This study emphasis on unit plan of change process and planning principles in multi complex housing from 1960 that the beginning of public housing to present called to renaissance. Thus this study try to investigate a policy, economy, and social environment with view points of diachronic inquiry. The unit plan looks upon as all squared up goals without regard to effects of life environment and other planning elements. But it must go side by side with those. As well, unit plan is accounted as social property with material urban conditions.The main point of this study is a stateable directions of unit plan through in regular sequences in order to identify fundamental meaning of residential environment. Thus, results of this study is that unit plan of multi complex housing is a mirror of an age to reflect regional trait, social condition, custom, policy decision.