Title A Study on the Area Management System in the Large Development Project
Authors Kim Do-Nyun ; Lee Seong-Chang ; Park Hee-Yun ; Lee Sang-Muk
Page pp.273-284
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Area Management System ; Partnership ; Role Assignment Method ; Financing Method ; Strategy-Physical-Management Model
Abstract The purpose of this study is to focus on specified activity to realize strategy-physical-management model, extension of partnership , role assignment method through Area Management System appeared from large development project in JapanAs a result of analysis, key points are suggested to apply Area Management System suitable to our urban environment as followings:First, it is important to have everything organized at the beginning of project. Having participation system for local residents is important element to realize succession of development, and after process. Second, participation of variety groups of people is needed. The movement of participation expanding to citizens becomes motive to maintain, and develop charm and value of district. Third, fair assignment is essential between people to guarantee continuous activity in an organization. Forth, activity needs to be happened continuously with assignment, partnership between participated organizations. It is recommended that realization of Strategy-Physical-Management Model needs to be processed step by step with cooperation, fair assignment between Coordinator to unify efforts from common people, Cooperator to guarantee realization of development plan, and Manager deriving citizen participation to improve value and charm of area. Fifth, role of public is important as an equal partner with private. Public sector needs to support private sector to make them activated, and to draw participation from citizen. The problem of Area Management System in Korea is that public sector lead principles and organization is not sustained, neither volunteered. To overcome such matters, it is essential to build a partnership which is not in public sector lead, but in creativity of private sector so that it is possible for private sector to take part in.