Title Changes of Residents' Indoor Environment Control Behavior as a Result of Provided Education and Environmental Information
Authors Bae Nu-Ri ; Chun Chung-Yoon
Page pp.285-293
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Thermal Environment ; Control Behavior ; Residents ; Environmental Education ; Environmental Information
Abstract The purposes of this research are, first, to investigate the present condition of indoor thermal environment in winter. Second, to find out how residents' knowledge, consciousness, and behavior changed after provided with education and information of indoor climate. Finally, to reveal how these changes make alteration to their indoor environment. Thirty apartments were collected, and then divided into three groups as Control Group, Education Group, and Edu-information Group in order to conduct the purposes. Provided education and environmental information turn out to have a positive effect on residents' knowledge, consciousness, and behavior, and consequently, it leads residents to control their indoor environment more actively in some cases. Thus, it is important to provide residents with environmental education and information, and it should be conducted regularly in order to maximize the positive effect of education since it tends to decrease as time goes by.