Title Analyzing Effects of Risk Factors Generated During the Whole Phases of Build Transfer Lease Projects Utilizing Fuzzy Techniques
Authors Lee Jeong-Seok ; Park Ki-Soo ; Lee Yoon-Sun ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.103-112
ISSN 12269107
Keywords BTL ; Risk Factors ; Fuzzy Techniques ; Fuzzy Inference ; AHP ; Value of Importance ; Value of Risk
Abstract This study suggests analyzing effects of risk factors generated during the whole phases of BTL projects focusing on educational facilities through utilizing fuzzy techniques. Risks factors have been generally evaluated as vague linguistic value by subjective decision making. Fuzzy techniques is a proper method to quantify vague conditions and divided into three parts which consist of fuzzy theory, fuzzy inference and fuzzy measures. Therefore, this study utilize fuzzy method to analyze risk factors. the weight of risks is estimated by reflecting the interrelationship among risks factors from absolute weights obtained by fuzzy measure into the relative weights by analytical hierarchy process(AHP). The interrelationship is estimated by Sugeno λ-Fuzzy measure. Finally this study should understand effects of risk factors of the whole risk and promote efficient operation of project's risk management through this method in BTL projects.