Title The Awareness of Ecological Contribution, Construction and Cost Efficiency on the Planning Elements of Ecological Housing Complex
Authors Lee Jeong-Soo ; Lee Seong-Kyoun ; Han Jeong ; Song Yong-Ho ; Kim Ok-Kyue ; Hwang Hee-Yun
Page pp.63-70
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Ecological Housing Complex ; Ecological Contribution ; Construction and Cost Efficiency ; Awareness of Professional
Abstract Various studies were progressed by global demands for development on the ecological housing complex. But previous studies stayed theoretical level as yet. From these situations, there are in need of leading practical issues in field. This study focused on the application of ecological planning elements in field work as a side of ecological contribution, construction and cost efficiency. For this purpose, planning elements that highly contribute to ecological development are extracted from analyzing previous studies and examples. These planning elements are used as the questionnaire survey of professionals about ecological contribution, construction and cost efficiency. Through this survey, ecological planning elements are checked up and analyzed awareness of professionals.