Title Seokjojeon in Deoksugung Palace, Documentation of the Original Plans and the Relevance for the History of Construction Technology
Authors Kang Soung-Won ; Kim Jin-Kyoon
Page pp.141-148
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Seokjojeon ; Stone architecture ; Okura Doboku Gumi ; History of the Construction Technology
Abstract This paper documents the construction process of Seokjojeon (石造殿), which is one remaining structure among the originally seven western-style buildings, built in Deoksugung Palace (德壽宮) during the period of the Great Han Empire (大韓帝國期, 1897-1910). The original plans and alterations that occurred during the execution can be proofed from existing historical records and pictures. The technological value of Seokjojeon is the column and beam system made of granite, the fire proof floor structure of iron beams plus plain concrete without steel reinforcement. And also the building confirms the existence of western heating and lighting systems at that time. If we combine the images of the remaining structures with the knowledge derived from documentations of the original state, we can grasp the spirit of the times of King Gojong (高宗, 26th King of Joseon Dynasty, 1852-1919). Moreover, these data will be considered for the reconstruction and for defining a new purpose for Deoksugung Palace.