Title A Study on Location Value Estimation on Building Inner Shops Using Topological Analysis
Authors Kim Jin-Sik ; Lee Yoon-Sun ; Ahn Byung-Ju ; Kim Kyung-Hwan ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.179-187
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Space Syntax ; Topological Property ; Location Value ; Walking Quantity ; Income Capitalization
Abstract A large-scaled complex has space where various commercial activity like the urban street with internalization of street. The phenomenon "Internalization of Street" shows mixed phase that architecture and city penetrates each other through the street on which have traditionally intermediate architecture and city. Like this, internal space of large-scaled complex takes effects on increase of pedestrians on street and the population activates commercial transaction. Therefore, the increase of walking brings the increase of the sales and the increase of pedestrian promotes the rental rate for market facility. So as for large-scaled facilities, the value is decided by the location of market and topological accessibility of walking. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to estimate locational value of commercial facilities by separating space analysis to the topological property and predict a pattern and distribution of passenger's routes through the space syntax on the basis of analysis about the topological property. The results of this study suggest some of present issues at the aspects of inside city plan and design fitting the internalization of street for propelling efficient the locational strategy.