Title A Case Study of the Improvements on the Pedestrian Level Wind-environment - Focus on the Pedestrian Passageway of the A-Building in Seoul
Authors Kim Dong-Woo ; Joo Seok-Jun ; Ryu Ki-Cheol
Page pp.209-218
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Wind-Environment ; Pedestrian ; Wind Tunnel Test ; Wind Speed Ratio
Abstract This paper presents the research results for the enhancement of the wind environment at ground-level passageway (6.0m(W)×6.0m(H)×27.0m(L)) through A-building in Seoul. The passageway was aligned with the direction of the prevailing wind without any protection and created great discomfort level. In this study, site survey and wind environment test on pedestrian level were performed to find out reasonable solution fort his problem. The extension of the passageway using wall sand the reduction of the opening was proposed as are medial method to reduce the discomfort level. Its performance was identified through the field measurement of the wind velocity after temporary construction of the proposal. Although the result of this study was limited by are medial case of wind environment on a singular building, it could be done good references for plan of high-rise building or improvement of wind environment on existing building.