Title Shear Strengthening Effect of Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthened with CFRP Plate
Authors Lee Hong-Ro ; Lee Chang-Mi ; Kwon Woo-Hyun ; Kim Woo-Suk ; Baek Seung-Min ; Kwak Yoon-Keun
Page pp.15-22
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Plate ; Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheet ; Shear Capacity ; Strengthening Ratios ; Strengthening Methods ; Preloading
Abstract This paper deals with the shear strengthening effect of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP Plate (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Plate). Eleven strengthened RC beams (including control beam) were experimentally evaluated to determine improvements in shear strength. Test parameters in this experimental study are strengthening ratios (22%, 33%), strengthening methods of CFRP Plate (I, X type), existence and nonexistence of Preloading, Steel ratios (ρ=0.015, ρ=0.021), and strengthening methods of CFRP sheet (I, U type). RC beams strengthened with CFRP Plate were tested under the combined control of load. Considering strengthening ratios and strengthening methods of CFRP Plate, shear capacity and failure mode of test specimens were evaluated. The results show that shear capacity of beams strengthened with CFRP Plate is about 35.4%~94.6% in all strengthening parameters higher than that of control beam. and we did compare experiment results with used equation.