Title Structural Planning and Construction Cost Analysis of the Apartment with Improved Spatial Flexibility
Authors Chun Sung-Chul ; Cho Dae-Jin ; Woo Sung-Woo ; Choi Jang-Ho ; Jung Jae-O ; Ko Han-Myung
Page pp.67-74
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Spatial Flexibility ; Construction Cost ; Structural Design ; Apartment
Abstract Life styles of occupants may change during whole life of an apartment as the lifetime of the building gets longer. Therefore, spatial flexibility in apartments becomes more important. New structural systems and architectural plans should be developed to meet requirements of spatial flexibility. The Ministry of Construction and Transportation (MOCT) recently stipulated several special regulations regarding spatial flexibility and encouraged a flat plate system instead of a shear wall system by providing incentive for the upper limit of prices and floor space indices of apartments. In this paper, a flat plate system with edge beams is developed to replace a shear wall system for conventional apartments. A shear wall system has been optimized for apartments in Korea. The applicability and the construction cost of a new developed structural system with advanced spatial flexibility should be investigated compared with the shear wall system. To assess the construction cost and the applicability of the flat plate system, total 24 buildings are designed and the costs are evaluated. Two types of plans (tower and rectangular) and two kinds of space (110m2 and 140m2) are selected. The buildings have three kinds of stories, 15, 25 and 35 (30 stories for rectangular type). Buildings with a flat plate system are designed to have similar structural performance to buildings with a shear wall system. The total costs of structural frames and dry walls for partitions are evaluated for the proposed flat plate system with varying stories, types, and size of houses. The results of this research can be used in determining feasibility of residential projects.