Title Information-centered Design Work Process for Effective Design Management
Authors Shin Jae-Won ; Ryu Han-Gook ; Lee Dong-Ryul
Page pp.133-141
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Design Management ; Information-centered ; Design Work Process
Abstract As construction projects become bigger and more complex, the communication and information flow among the project participants become a key factor to succeed on a project. The concept of design management and cooperation, however, has not yet been spread widely in the architectural-design field, and the design cooperation processes have not yet been clearly defined. For effective design management, a design management system supported by computer applications is needed, and work process modeling is needed to establish the system. This research aims to propose a standard process model that will set the foundation for the improvement of the design management system. In this research, actual design work process data have been analyzed and that the standard design work process has been proposed. Experts from various design company have joined to analyze actual design process data and they concluded every design activities and their process. For each standard design work process activities, input and output information have been defined and relationships between each activities are defined using the input and output of the activities. With this information-centered design work process, information-centered design management system can be developed and that systematic design management and design work can be performed.