Title An Analysis of the Air-Penetrating Characteristics of the Types of Joint between Wooden Column and Earth-Finished Wall in Korean Traditional Architecture
Authors Lee Jong-Kook ; Moon Hyun-Jong ; Park Beom-Sik ; Pang Sung-Jun
Page pp.153-160
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Korean Traditional Architecture ; Wooden Column ; Earth-finished Wall ; Types of Joint ; Wind Tunnel Test
Abstract Wood and Earth are representative materials in Korean traditional architecture. As Koreans use the materials, Korean traditional architecture is very similar to environment-friendly architecture which is a kind of technology that makes architecture more natural. The purpose of this study is to find out how to join wooden columns and earth-finished walls in Korean traditional architecture. This study explored some different joint-types and classified the types of joints between wooden columns and earth-finished walls in the Korean traditional architecture technology, and analyzed the air-penetrating characteristics of the joint-types by wind tunnel test. The results of this study are as follows: The air-penetrating characteristics of the joint-types between wooden columns and earth-finished walls were affected by the types of joint, the length of join, and the friction level created by the shape. This study will be the first step toward finding and developing the effective joint technology in Korean traditional architecture design and construction.