Title Correspondence Strategies of Small and Medium Size Construction Companies through Analysis Scenarios
Authors Kim Sang-Ki ; Lee Chi-Joo ; Lee Ghang ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.173-182
ISSN 12269107
Keywords CRM ; Small and Medium Size Construction Companies ; Scenario Planning ; Design of Experiments ; Business Strategy
Abstract To be contrast past which supply ahead of demand and institutional entry barrier built present which uncertainty and instability is raised, for achieving business result it is necessary with differentiation resources and grasping who is competitor who is customer. Especially small and medium-sized firms in trouble with funding have to be faithful to customer satisfaction and managing customer to attain the constant market demand. But problem related with row-price order and worse profit causes deficient investment in managing customer. Who confront with this uncertain construct market small and medium-sized firms have to set up self-strategy with analyzing customer/orderer relationship and possibly outbreakable scenario. This research adopting scenario planning technique and design of experiment is looking through core-issues raised connected with managing customer of small and medium-sized construct firms and analyzing the effect cause, after submitting scenario for highly probable future situation in vision of customer, estimated and evaluated through the design of experiment. And presenting the strategy direction to confront with scenario situation it can be use to be a database for analyzing of customer/orderer/building-owner for small and medium-sized firms.