Title Knowledge-Information Based Material Performance Comparison Supporting Model For Selecting Building Finishing Materials in the Design Stages
Authors Koo Kyo-Jin ; Park Hyung-Jin ; Park Sung-Chul ; Kim Jong-Il
Page pp.191-198
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Material Selection ; Material Information ; Materials Performance Comparison ; Element ; Knowledge Management
Abstract A material selection, which shares a significant portion of design work, is one of crucial factors to improve design quality. Unfortunately, since conventional methods such as electronic catalog needs a plenty of times and efforts to obtain essential material information, smarter and intelligent material selection model should be developed. Existing material-related systems provide designers with only general material information including unit prices and strength. To assist designers in terms of material selection, first of all, linking space information, such as rooms and elements, with material information is necessarily needed to maximize designers' experience. And, designer-focused material selection system should exploit knowledge-based material information which is more helpful than general information. Moreover, a coupler which is able to bridge between designer's requirements and the knowledge-base material information must be developed. In this context, this paper presents 'Knowledge-Information Based Material Performance Comparison Supporting Model' that supports designers to make a high-quality decision on material selection.