Title The Royal Ritual Space in KyeungHee-Gung Palace based on the analysis of the Documental Records of "ChunGuanTongGo"
Authors Cho Jae-Mo
Page pp.125-132
ISSN 12269093
Keywords ChunGuanTongGo ; Auspicious Rite ; KyeungHee-Gung Palace ; Ritual Space
Abstract This study focuses on the royal rituals in palaces of late Joseon ? especially in KyeungHee-Gung Palace ? with the document of ChunGuanTongGo(春官通考). The social and political change of Late Joseon dynasty made the royal ritual system of GukJoOreyi (國朝五禮儀)and GyeongGukDaeJeon(經國大典) revised to the additional edition. ChunGuanTongGo written by YuYiYang(柳義養) in 1788 under the reign of King JeongJo(正祖) is the ritual document on the affair of the Protocol Board composed of five categories of rites - religious(吉禮), auspicious(嘉禮), diplomatic(賓禮), military(軍禮) and funeral(凶禮) ones. This record with 96 volumes, which is bound to 60 books, includes the chronicles, revisional process of ritual prescription, and some related figures. It is found that KyeungHee-Gung Palace had features of 1)adaptable space for Prince’s or his son’s ritual, 2)royal banquet, and 3)temporal enshrinement of royal ancestral tablets or portraits. The functions of those pavilions were comparatively flexible according to the conditions of other palaces or pavilions. And it is also found that there were lots of differences between the original rituals in KyeungBok-Gung Palace and revised ones in KyeungHee-Gung Palace in terms of spatial layout and the concept of JeongChim(正寢).