Title A Study on the Historical Meaning and Modern Architectural Characteristics of Jang Myun House
Authors Kim Seung-Bae ; Jang Myung-Hak
Page pp.141-148
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Jang Myun House ; Modern Historical Meaning ; Architect Kim Jung-Hee ; Architectural Characteristics
Abstract The first purpose of this study is to find out the modern architecture historical meaning and architectural characteristics of Jang Myun House which is "Registered Cultural Properties. No. 357". Accordingly, The main concept of this study is concerned with the conservation of Registered Cultural Properties in korean modern architecture. In addition, this study deals with the architect Kim, Jung-Hee who had designed The Culture Hall(old) of Myeong Dong cathedral, The hall(old) of DongSung high school in seoul as well as Jang Myun house. Especially, in this study, his roles on the history of korean modern architecture is evaluated.