Title A Comparative Analysis among Locational Activities of Main Street Side of Jeonnam Provincial Small Town Centers
Authors An Jong-Hun
Page pp.241-248
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Small Town Center(Gokseong, Damyang and Hwasun) ; Locational Activities ; Land Use ; Mai Street
Abstract In most rural areas of Korea small town centers which comprises market, retail stores and service activities and local government offices and commercial facilities and medical facilities and housing facilities are centers of locational activities and used for the exchange of goods. The purpose of this study is to grasp Gokseong, Damyang and Hwasun town centers of locational activities in main street side of town centers, building construction activity, road system, various types of activities. Major findings are : Gokseong town center of activities limited services of eating houses, retail stores, dressmaker's shops, medical facilities, banking facilities and local offices are located Gokseong town center. Damyang town center of activities very limited primary services of eating houses, retail stores, educational facilities, and a lot of housing building are located Damyang town center in case study area. Hwasun town center of activities limited retail stores, medical facilities, educational institutes and new commercial facilities in main street side. Case study area has a small population, limits the movement of population in the main street sides. Land use patterns and locational activities are showing typical characteristics.