Title A Study on the Development Strategies of Construction Productivity Analysis System based on Web & OLAP
Authors Kim Sang-Bum ; Lee Jeong-Dae
Page pp.173-184
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Productivity ; Productivity Analysis ; OLAP ; Productivity Analysis System
Abstract Proper management of construction productivity is one of the main factors for project success. In addition, productivity is critical in evaluating efficiency of construction management. However, most of the previous studies on the construction productivity have been focused on conceptual level of productivity management. Limitations of previous researches con be summarized. The first, previous researches have not attempted to reflect the various construction productivity influence factors. The second, there has not been much research focusing on the methodology for system development to continuously collect construction productivity data. This research focuses on the development of a construction productivity analysis system based on Web and OLAP(On-Line Analysis Process) in order to effectively manage construction productivity. Through the research effort, a construction productivity analysis system was modeled using IDEF0 & ERD techniques and was deployed on the WWW(World Wide Web). The construction productivity management system developed in this research is envisioned to consult managers in decision making on job site. Also, it is anticipated that the effective use of the developed system would be able to measure the result of project and predict productivity of the similar future projects with reasonable reliabilities.