Title A Study on the Spatial Characteristics of Ubiquitous Environments - Focused on the Modern Public Library
Authors Song In-Jo ; Cho Wan-Ki ; Cho Taig-Youn
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Ubiquitous ; Ubiquitous Environment ; Spatial Characteristics ; Public Library ; Intelligent Space
Abstract In response to the need of understanding the factors that will bring changes to architecture in ubiquitous environment, the present study purposed to examine how the absolute characteristics of space have been affected and will be changed in ubiquitous environment and to identify the features of space that may appear in ubiquitous environment. As ubiquitous devices are distributed in buildings, it is possible to implement ‘Barrier-free’ spatial structure in which the space recognizes its relation with users and does not restrict accessibility to information in any condition and environment. In order to implement such a structure in a library, we analyzed the status and relation of three agents ‘space,’ ‘user’ and ‘information’ and established the meaning of a public library in the contemporary concept, and looked for the spatial characteristics of a public library that appear as special elements of ubiquitous environment that may be involved in the process of space planning. Such newly found spatial characteristics are expected to suggest the possibility of ‘emergent spatial structure’ fit for the new ubiquitous environment in future space planning, and the whole process will provide the base of research to prepare architectural environment in the age of ubiquity.