Title Study on Users' Characteristics of Welfare Centers for the aged in Ansan City in terms of Facility Utilization
Authors Choi Joon-Oh ; Chung Joon-Soo
Page pp.77-85
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Welfare Center for the Aged ; Users' Characteristics
Abstract In this paper, the users' characteristics are analyzed who use facilities of welfare centers for the aged in Ansan City in terms of facility utilization after the centers were administered by districts because the city expanded into having two districts. This study also includes whether the same restrictions of use against the non-resident exist in the welfare centers in Ansan City as other welfare centers which are administered by districts have. The interviewees were randomly selected from the visitors who had intentions to register the welfare centers and the survey was performed through the one to one contact with interviewees by disciplined interviewers. Even though this study has a limitation on quantitative analysis since the survey was not performed to faithful users only and the number of interviewees is not large, it qualitatively derives the users' characteristics who use the welfare centers for the aged in Ansan City in terms of facility utilization.